- Walt Disney -
"If you can dream it, you can do it"
Recent Publications
1. M. Balberg, M. Levi, K. Kalinowski, I. Barnea, S.K. Mirsky, N.T. Shaked
Localized measurements of physical parameters within human sperm cells obtained
with wide-field interferometry
J. of Biophotonics, 10(10), 2017 (1305-1314)
2. P.J. Eravuchira, S.K. Mirsky, I. Barnea, M. Levi, M. Balberg, N.T. Shaked
Individual sperm selection by microfluidics integrated with interferometric phase microscopy
Methods, 136, 2018 (152-159)
3. I. Barnea, L. Karako, S.K. Mirsky, M. Levi, M. Balberg, N.T. Shaked
Stain-free interferometric phase microscopy correlation with DNA fragmentation
stain in human spermatozoa
J. of Biophotonics, 11(11), 2018 (e201800137)
4. G. San, M. Balberg, J. Jedrzejewski, I. Balberg
The Phototransport in Halide Perovskites: From basic physics to applications
J. of Applied Physics, 127(8), 2020 (085103)
5. D. Patashov, Y.Menahem, G. Gurevitch, Y. Kameda, D. Goldstein, M.Balberg
fNIRS: non-Stationary Preprocessing Methods
Biomedical Signal Processing and Control, 79, 2023, 104110
6. M. Levin, M. Balberg, Y. Zaltz,
Cortical Activation in Response to Speech Differs between Prelingually Deafened Cochlear
Implant Users with Good or Poor Speech-in-Noise Understanding: An fNIRS Study.
Applied Science 2022, 12, 12063.
Recent Lectures
Independence day symposium - Israeli women researchers. IN HEBREW https://youtu.be/1eO39xW7FFg?t=902
NGO Commission on the Status of Women 67 "Science with Empathy". Presented as part of the NGO CSW67 symposium, March 2023, sponsored by the Women in Engineering (WiE) Subcommittee, IEEE PELS Membership Committee – China, and co-sponsored by the Women Scientists Working Committee of China Power Supply Society. https://youtu.be/3MN2f00pbpE
HIT lecture series "Halon La Hazon" - "Sensing the Brain with Light and Sound and Saving Lives " IN HEBREW http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iG_r2ib5Pxc
HIT faculty club lecture "Light and sound in brain research" IN HEBREW http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9bDdjRkQQMg
SPIE BIOS 2016 lecture " Using interference phase microscopy for sperm evaluations" IN ENGLISH - http://spie.org/spietv?video=4848767824001